The name of this tree may not be widely known, but the fruit grown on Dolgo trees has certainly left an outstanding impression upon those who cook and bake with crabapples. Dolgo grows some of the largest edible crabapples and is also 1 of the heaviest producers. The bright red fruit follows after a dazzling display of pure white blossoms that cover the tree in spring. This tree is so prized for its fruit that its beauty in springtime is often overlooked. Every season truly brings new colors with the Dolgo tree. The bright red fruit is widely used for cider, jelly and other preserves calling for crabapples.
Dolgo grows some of the largest edible crabapples
Due to its large fruit with exceptional tart flavor, Dolgo is 1 of the most popular crabapples for jelly, cider, syrups and much more
With its impressive display of white blossoms in spring, every season truly brings new colors to this tree
First cultivated in Siberia, Dolgo is cold hardy down to minus 40°F
Fragrant blossoms and X-large fruit make Dolgo a top-notch wildlife attraction, deer, birds, elk, rabbits and other animals love the fruit while butterflies and honeybees swarm to the flowers